Being a Thankful Spouse
It’s that time of year where people around the world take time to remember and think about what and who they are grateful for. But as you go into this holiday season take time to pause and think about the reasons you’re grateful for your spouse. Truth be told this shouldn’t just happen during the holiday season, but it should happen all year long.
In the hustle of day-to-day living it can be easy to take your spouse for granted, yet it’s imperative to take a moment to slow down and take time to recognize the value your spouse brings/adds to your marriage and to the family. For some this might be a real task and it may be even easier for you to come up with lots of reasons why you are not thankful for your spouse or why they are “defective.” But we implore you to let this next statement sink in… If you and your spouse thought the same thoughts and did things the same exact way, you wouldn’t need each other.

There are probably countless things that you and your spouse do for one another throughout the year that go unnoticed. But your sincere gratitude can bless your spouse and fuel their desire to continue building upon the behaviors that you already appreciate in them. There is always something to be thankful for in your spouse and guess what… some of those days you might just be thankful for the opportunity to love them and show patience towards them. You are not perfect, just as your spouse is not perfect but loving them and being patient with them allows you to strengthen your character and grow your marriage. “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1Thessalonians 5:18 NKJV)
How would it change your marriage if you took a pause to notice/recognize something your spouse does for you or the family? How would it encourage your spouse if you said those two simple words; “thank you” when they did something (regardless how big or small)? Marriage is teamwork and it’s important for your teammate (spouse) to know that you appreciate them.
Here are a few creative ways to show your spouse that you are thankful for them. That you appreciate the daily effort they put into you, your marriage and your family. Having an attitude of gratitude is contagious. And as you put forth an effort, we guarantee that your spouse will begin to recognize and put forth an effort as well.
- Make sure to express your gratitude with words and kindness.
- Put a note on their briefcase/purse/lunch with thanks for all the hard work they do to provide for the family.
- Openly thank and praise them for all they do in front of others, including your children.
- Instead of focusing on something they didn’t do, thank/appreciate them for what they did do.
- Remind them of the qualities they possess that caused you to fall in love with them.
- Pray together with a prayer of thanks for your spouse.
- Leave notes of love and appreciation around the house where they can find them.
- Give them a break once in a while and take care of some of the chores or errands they usually handle.
We are sure that you can come up with so many more ways to be thankful for your spouse, and that’s fantastic! But be thankful for your spouse because an “attitude of gratitude” turns what we have into enough and helps us to see what is there instead of what isn’t.
Blessings of Thanksgiving from Marriage on Cue
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